KC has a firm commitment to provide and maintain a safe working environment on all of our projects. It is the policy of our management that all practical efforts are made to provide a safe and healthy workplace, and to do everything reasonable to protect jobsite personnel, owner’s personnel, the public and property from accident or harm.
Accidents interfere with the orderly progress of the work and are indications of an inefficient operation. We expect everyone on the project to perform their job in a safe manner and in accordance with the procedures outlined in our safety program.
To be effective, the safety program requires full effort and attention from all members of the project team.
All employees are ultimately responsible for their own safety and share the responsibility for the safety of their co-workers, our client's employees, and their property and equipment. All employees must comply with: KC Construction Company Health and Safety Program; all Federal and State requirements; craft specific safety practices; established Safety, Health and Environmental Policies and Procedures of our clients; and posted safety instructions such as posted signs, barricades, barriers, and permit instructions.
All new employees are given physicals and are drug tested in accordance with our Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy/Program. Furthermore, all employees are subject to mandatory post-accident drug and alcohol screening.

All Supervisors are required to have OSHA 30 training and CPR/First Aid Training. Other safety training available to our employees throughout the year include:
OSHA 10-Hour
OSHA 30-Hour
Confined Space Training
Competent Person
First Aid and CPR/AED
Excavation Safety
Heavy Equipment Operation Training
Fall Protection
Ladder Safety
Scaffolding Safety
Forklift Training
Lock out/Tag Out Training
Flagging and Work Zone Safety
Rigging, Lifting, and Signaling
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Materials Handling (MSDS)
A copy of our Company Health and Safety Policy and Procedures Manual will be kept on-site at all times. Prior to a project beginning, a site and work hazard assessment will be performed by the Project Manager and a Site Specific Health and Safety Plan will be produced. All Subcontractors will be required to submit their own Site Specific Health and Safety Plan. Our outside Safety Consultant will review and approve these plans for OSHA and Company compliance and determine if additional training will be required. During the project, weekly safety tool box talks will be given by our project superintendent. Topics shall include potential hazards for the work being performed that week. Weekly site safety audits are to be performed by the site Superintendent with monthly audits to be performed by the company Operations Manager or Vice President. An outside safety professional will be brought in to perform a quarterly audit.